Art Design Magazine

Art Design Magazine

Art Design Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Supplement of Original

White veins in river stones lead to random patterns on the surfaces. The selection of certain river stones and their arrangement transforms these patterns into symbols, in form of Latin letters. This is how words and sentences are created when stones are in the right position next to each other. Language and communication arise and their signs become a supplement to what is already there.

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Moment Series

The heirloom porcelains that make up the work carry the traces of history to the present, while the sculpted glass represents a frozen moment and timelessness. The fact that the glass in antique cups is shaped like it is when a liquid splashes brings together a snapshot of the fluidity with the viewer. Colored glasses preferred as transparent and opaque were selected in accordance with the structure and concept of the cup.

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Evolve 17

150 Triangles, 1 Million color possibilities. Evolve puts on a spectacular light show when hit by the sun highlighting its celestial nature. The reflected shadows change location during the year based on the rotation of the earths axis. Evolve symbolizes a visionary meeting point to promote a culture of collaboration and entrepreneurship. It is designed to metaphorically unite solutions from different angles. Evolve is a philosophical sculpture designed to help humans understand the nature of reality, and existence.

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Tape Art

In 2019, a visual party of lines, color chunks, and fluorescence sparked Taipei. It was the Tape That Art Exhibition organized by and Tape That Collective. A variety of projects with unusual ideas and techniques were presented in 8 tape art installations and exhibited over 40 tape paintings, together with videos of the artists’ work in the past. They also added brilliant sounds and light to make the event an immersive art milieu and materials they applied included cloth tapes, duct tapes, paper tapes, packaging tales, plastic tapes, and foils.

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Ushering in the commercialization of 5G service, Designtist installed sculptures that embodied KT 5G technology in collaboration with the pop art designer duo Craig & Karl. The main features of 5G service (ultra-high speed, ultra-low latency, hyper connectivity) were shaped into dynamic design, vivid colors and patterns. 5G technology connecting the world was modernly reinterpreted with drones and autonomous driving, and various arrow images expressed the connectivity, speed, and data flow.

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Black Star

The concept of the design is based on the transformation of wood species that have no grain or color into an object vessel pleasing to the eye and additionally achieving an interesting haptic feeling. The design object is handcrafted, beginning with woodturning for forming the outside and hollowing the inside of the object. Drilling and forming the holes into the outer surface comes next, as well as adding color stain. The usage of a pyrographic pen brings further embellishment onto the piece. Finally the object is charred black, resulting in a soft and warm touch, as well as adding contrast.

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