Art Design Magazine

Art Design Magazine

Art Design Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Dance with Life

The symbol of infinity conveys the concept of endlessness and greatness. Its smooth and vivid shapes highlight the infinite freedom of life exploration, and convey an atmosphere that is fresh, beautiful, and rejuvenating! This public sculpture with a winding structure is installed on a pool at the center of a circular plaza. It is an important landmark, Hope to make people feel the wonder between life and the universe.

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The work conveys the impression of Luye in an intuitive way. From the ancient aborigines to the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Japanese colonial period, and the Hakka immigrants, the land of Luye has the historical footprints of different groups. Nowadays, pineapple and red oolong tea are the unique agricultural products of the area. In terms of tourism, the annual hot-air balloon is the representative event in Luye. The design team links these different impressions with antlers to symbolize the rebirth and spirit of this land.

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Story Index

When an art installation aims to represent a region or a community through design, it is impossible to be fully comprehensive. From the initial concept, the goal is to maximize public participation by inviting diverse voices and images that respond to the installation. Through online and social media networks, people could tag the exhibition on their Instagram stories, and people's stories have the potential to be included in the Story index. As the designs merge and become a part of the historical index, they break down barriers between reality and virtuality.

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Cryptographic Beings

Cryptographic Beings is a Bio-Hybrid machine manipulating photosynthetic organisms through rules implemented in soft and hardware. It showcases a newly developed technology for information storage that leverages the ability of algae to perceive light. This robotic installation consists of 30 vegetal bits in the shape of glass vessels containing living organisms. Using a pair of motorized arms, the machine can expose each of the algae to light, encoding binary information in their state. Can humans design tools that are not only bio-inspired but made of, with and for living organisms?

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Infinity Vessel

A glass crown embodies the value and uniqueness of an individual. Each piece fits only its wearer. The crown boldly mixes Haute couture fashion and glass, which are foreign to others. The personalized piece of jewelry also has a deep philosophical background. Power structures are transparent and can be broken. The crown takes a stand on how sensitive and strong a person is at the same time.

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The shape of trees symbolizes nature, and the cloth symbolizes human intervention in nature. The work collides the primitive nature of nature with the possibility of human interference, creates a scene space with the theme of ecology, and applies the tree modeling elements in the literati paintings of the Song Dynasty to sculpture. When people stare at these works, they will think about where human beings have gone and the relationship between nature and human beings.

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